ACE Rugmaster Backpack ACE 67812-01 Black

Quick Overview

Ace Ragmaster Backpack B4 file/15.6" PC compatible 67812

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A backpack for adults that combines outdoor functions with business scenes that can be used both on and off A high-spec backpack

that uses
water-pressure-resistant materials and balances functionality and design
● The main body fabric uses a fabric with excellent water resistance of 10,000 mm *
● Back torso, The back of the shoulder pad is made of non-stuffy air mesh material
● Organizer pocket for storing small miscellaneous items
● Chest belt function that prevents the backpack from slipping out and adjusts the height at the chest

● Two-compartment type

for easy sorting and storage of luggage

● Highly secure rear zipper pocket
● The air chamber on the dorsal torso side is made of pile fabric that does not damage the computer.
● B2 files can be stored (reference storage dimensions: 4.38×0.27cm)

● Can be stored on a 3.15-inch notebook PC (reference storage dimensions W6.38×H5.26×D5.2 cm)

* This product is not completely waterproof.


- Size  : W28×H48×D14 cm.
- Weight  : 860g
- Capacity  :  20 liters
- Material  :  Nylon 420dn Dobby/2 Layers/Nylon 1260dn Cordura Ballistic/PU Processed
- Features at a glance  :  2 chambers / B4 file storage / PC storage (15.6inch)

Color ACEBlack


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Custom Tab 2

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